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Study Nursing in Poland?

Study Nursing in Poland? Recently, there has been a surge in Applications for Nursing studies in Poland & for sure the role of health care workers becomes even more important during this pandemic era; The Nurses play a significant role into the healthcare system of a country. Education Poland conducts a lot of research to bring out the best study options for students in their respective fields. As per our research while selecting the institution for Nursing studies one need to choose the institute carefully & consider the below information. Clinical Infrastructure: Nursing is not a theoretical program which can be taught in class room it requires a lot of practical training using ultra-modern clinical infrastructure. The University must have their own hospital and laboratories where they can access modern clinical facilities. Reputation of the University: The reputation of the University plays an important role when it comes to placement and finding jobs in any country. Training and Placement Assistance: Established universities provide assistance to their students to have access of placement and training. Faculty and Teaching Staff: Universities with world class well-trained and experienced faculty makes learning more valuable. The teacher and student ratio are very much important. Patient Interaction: The University with their own attached hospital have more patient in-flow and as a result students will get more exposure to interact with patients and have real time learning exposure. Public Universities: The Public Universities are being funded by governments for the research and development activities. Also, Public Universities have all the above facilities on offer to its students. Their programs are internationally recognized. Unfortunately, such facilities are not offered in any Private University in Poland. In conclusion, we suggest all students to take Nursing studies in a good Public University that will offer all the above facilities & Nursing Degree recognition with placement. One such Public University that we recommend is Medical University of Gdansk; the only Medical-Research University of Poland, situated in the beautiful city of Gdansk by the baltic sea. Gdansk is also a center for the world’s amber trade. Admissions are ongoing in BSc Nursing program: Apply on form/ Please keep visiting for latest reviews on Polish Universities.      

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Top Medical University

Top Medical University If you are aiming to study Medicine in Europe, then look no further: Medical University of Gdansk is the best Medical the only Medical Research University in Poland. The most international university with the best campus and ambience in Gdansk – One of the most beautiful cities in Poland. Best for studying Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy. For Admissions in any Public Universities: Apply on form/ Please keep visiting for latest reviews on Polish Universities.        

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Alert! Scam Private Polish University cheating students

Alert! Scam Private Polish University cheating students Students from Africa, India, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Ukraine have lost their money to this private university in Warsaw. In the interest of students we advise: Not to take admission in this scam private university in Warsaw-Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND HUMAN SCIENCE, ul. OKOPOWA 59, WARSAW 01 043. Private University owned by: Krzysztof Godlewski & Marzena Godlewski Students have lost their tuition fee refunds waiting since 02-3 years. We contacted the University and found out that the owners are not interested to refund any students. The worst is that the Polish Ministry of Education will also not help you as they said that it is a private university.      

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Visa refusals for Private Universities in Poland

Visa refusals for Private Universities in Poland Students from India & Africa are being refused Visas if they have taken admission in private universities in Poland. Please be advised not to take admission in Polish Private Universities due to high Visa refusals, and later no refunds, and poor management. Public Universities in Poland are governed under the Ministry and are more reputable. You will receive Visa and tuition fee refund, in case of visa refusal.      

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