
Promoting Trade & Investment

Poland is one of the most attractive locations for foreign investments. International reports highlight the economic and political stability of Poland, educated and competent human capital and a large domestic market. In times of global economic crisis Poland has strengthened its position, not only in the region of Central and Eastern Europe but also all over the continent. Foreign investors willingly invest their capital in Poland treating it as a safe haven in times of economic instability. Tourists, in turn, are enchanted by Polish hospitality and friendliness, Poland’s cultural heritage and the country’s natural landscape.

Poland’s 38-million strong consumer market is one of the biggest in Europe. The country’s favourable location, in the centre of Europe, where the main communication routes intersect, makes it possible to export goods to all European countries and thus reach over 500 million consumers.

Well-educated Polish economists, engineers, IT specialists and scientists are highly sought-after and appreciated employees who find employment in IT companies, R&D centres and scientific institutes.  Every year, the number of graduates of Polish universities increases, including faculties useful in high-tech industries. In the 2010/2011 academic years Polish universities completed nearly half a million students, and 1.7 million people has studied. There is a growing number of people taking a PhD.

The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) value that Poland attracted in 2011 reached EUR13.567 billion. This represents a 30% increase over the previous year. The number of new investment projects is constantly growing, especially in the automotive, R&D, electronic and chemical sectors. The investments are becoming more oriented towards intellectual potential of employees. This is confirmed by a second place of Cracow in the ranking of the most attractive location in emerging fields like BPO investments.

The country offers a wide range of investment incentives. Investors are invited to locate their projects in 14 Special Economic Zones (SEZ). i.e. special zones where economic activity may be run in favourable conditions. Polish SEZs offer attractive tax exemptions, employment incentives and well-prepared investment lots.