
Promoting Education

Poland is an incredible country with a diverse and rich education history. Studying in Poland will give you a European degree at a low cost. Polish schools compete with each other not only to provide a wide variety of high quality courses, but also offer attractive tuition fees in programs such as MBBS, engineering, international business, tourism, hospitality and other courses. POLAND (POLSKA) lies in the very heart of the European continent making it easy access to and from other popular European destinations.

Poland has been at the forefront of the development of the private higher education sector. Private educational institutions provide education to students for a fee; not for profit and usually invest their financial surplus in the development of themselves and their facilities.

Private higher education institutions are devoid of the burden of collective management. The rector or presidents make their decisions. The senate and the faculty council are entirely advisory bodies that confer the academic degrees. Private institutions can respond rapidly to the changing needs of educational demand and labour market needs.

The majority of private higher educational institutions offer 3-year courses of study for a Bachelor’s degree. Only about twelve institutions offer a 5 year course of study which leads to a Master’s degree and only one has obtained the right to confer the doctorate degree. There are now 12 private institutions that occupy top positions relating to the standards of tertiary education that are published every year by many institutions.

Private higher education institutions are decidedly more expensive for students than are the public. The public institutions are taking note and are taking measures to reduce these proportions. Nearly 100% of private institutions are funded from tuition fees and not from the state budget. They are dependent on their markets.

The effects of globalization and education are enormous. Education used to be regarded as a non-tradable service however; private provision of education is huge business in many nations. The technological developments like the Internet and cheaper telecommunications combined with increased acceptance on non-traditional educational settings (remote learning) may well broaden the scope of international trade in education services in the coming years and at this point has created the potential for fast growth.

Globalization has heightened the demand for education, which has also increased many private higher education institutions however; globalization may also lead to an erosion of national regulatory frameworks for education. In a globalized environment where businesses and workers find themselves operating more often in foreign environments, the national character of educational frameworks will potentially cause problems.

By 2010 Poland is hoping that the number of people enrolled in higher education should rise 35-40% and 40-45% in 2020. These increases will raise new challenges for higher education in regards to its accessibility, particularly for the inhabitants of villages and small towns. Ideally Poland wants to decrease the differences in the level of civilization between the country regions and the various social groups. With the spreading effects of the metropolises, the situating of universities and colleges in the medium-sized cities offers a chance to establish education centres of high quality and the possibility of creating innovative processes.