
Weather in Poland

Weather in Poland changes all over the year, thogether with four seasons. Poland is situated in a moderate climate zone. In summer (July) – the temperature varies from 25° to 35° Celsius. The coldest months are January and February with temperatures falling a couple of degrees below zero. In the mountains, the weather conditions for winter sports are generally good.

weather in poland

Poland has as many as six distinct seasons. Apart from the four typical European seasons, there are also two periods described as early spring (przedwiosnie) and early winter (przedzimie). The seasons hardly conform to the calendar pattern. Throughout the year you might experience almost every type of weather.

Autumn: from September to November.

This is the time when you arrive to Poland when starting studies. Usually from the end of September till late November the temperatures vary from 5° to 15° Celsius. 15° Celsius means people usually wearing a bit warmer clothes. The nights are cold with around 0° to 5°Celsius. Very often it rains during this period, especially in November.

Winter: from December to February.

Winter in Warsaw can either be cold and snowy or windy and rainy. You can expect everything from the weather here. For the winter, be sure to have warm sweaters, winter coats, hats, gloves, sturdy boots, and thick socks.

Spring: from March to May

Spring in Poland lasts usually about 60 days. The daily temperature at that time ranges from 5° to 15° Celsius. Beautiful time, but it rains often. This is when vegetation season begins in Poland.

Summer: from June to August

The average temperatures is 25 degrees Celsius, which makes this season the best moment to travel and enjoy the beauty of Warsaw and Poland.

Time change:

Poland uses Central European Time (GMT + 01:00); Due to the Daylight Saving Time (DST) on the last Sunday of March at 2am we change time by adding one hour and on the last Sunday of October we take one hour back;

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