Education Poland

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University of Wroclaw

Master in Journalism and Social Communication

Degree -Master’s Degree


The curriculum we offer is designed to help students develop competences necessary in both these professions. It comprises classes (mainly workshops) that will allow graduates to achieve competencies and skills in the area of broadly defined professional public communication, which will enable them to start a career as:

  • Journalists in all kinds and all ranges of media (print media, radio, television, the Internet; local and sub local media, countrywide and global media; general as well as trade and expert media)
  • Specialists in the area of broadly defined image communication: Public Relations, branding, advertising communication, Corporate Identity, etc.
  • Editors/editorial assistants (gatekeepers) in the above mentioned types of media
  • Journalists specializing in a given category of topic-specific journalism (investigative, sports, economic, etc.)
  • Radio and TV presenters and producers (work with a camera and microphone)
  • Spokespeople and counsellors/coaches in the field of communication
  • Coaches and counsellors in the field of intercultural communication (in organizations, public institutions, NGOs, etc.)
  • Counsellors in the field of creating public people’s image
  • Employees of advertising and PR agencies
  • Our graduates will also be prepared to operate in the market independently
    by organizing a media institution or founding an advertising or PR agency

Tuition – 3000 EUR/year


BSc in Biotechnology

Degree – Bachelor Degree


The aim of BSc studies in biotechnology is:

  • Acquiring basic knowledge of the molecular basis of biological phenomena and processes through learning mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, as well as molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, biology of the cell and biotechnology,
  • Acquisition of deeper knowledge in the biochemistry of proteins, carbohydrates and lipid compounds, their structures and functions, as well as their metabolisms,
  • Acquisition of the skills to use various experimental techniques required for employment in the biotechnological industry, as well as various types of laboratories (analytical, research or industrial),
  • Understanding of computer and language tools, their application for collection, analysis and presentation of data during professional work,
  • Preparing the student to conduct an independent or collaborative research practice, to discuss results, to formulate statements, and write reports.

Upon successful completion of the first degree studies in biotechnology, the graduate will have the basic knowledge in molecular basics of biological phenomena and processes and advanced knowledge in biochemistry, will be able to apply this knowledge in biotechnology, will be prepared to work in laboratory, will apply scientific methods and good experimental designs in scientific experiments, will understand and demonstrate laboratory safety procedures, as well as bioethical standards. The graduate will be aware of the need to constantly improve the
professional and personal competences.

Tuition – 3000 EUR/year


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