
Student health insurance POLAND

When do I need to apply for a student health insurance for Poland?

If I am a national from a non EU/EEA country for example Ukraine, Russia, China, Vietnam… it is necessary to apply for a student health insurance before arriving in Poland. You can buy insurance here

Why is it necessary to have a student health insurance in Poland?

  1. For certain nationalities, a student visa is necessary to study in Poland. During the visa application procedure, you need an adequate student health insurance that covers the requirements of the Polish immigration authorities.
  2. If you are ill or have an accident in Poland, the insurance will cover your emergency medical treatments in a hospital, by a general practitioner or a specialist. You can buy insurance here

I’m from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland do I need this emergency insurance?

By default, you can use your European Health Insurance Card provided by your local insurer. However, it is highly recommended to have a private insurance as can cover benefits like for example repatriation, search and rescue, third party liability etc. which is not covered by the EHIC.